School Year Registration
School Year Program
Kids Club After School Program begins at school dismissal and continues until 6:00 PM. Kids Club also offers full daycare on days when school is not in session and picks up for early dismissal at no extra charge. Full daycare program days vary with possible excursions and other planned activities. Kids Club is closed on major holidays.
Kids Club consists of fun, enriching activities that take place on campus. Some enrichment activities may include but are not limited to film production, science, crafting, painting, sports/fitness, and many more!
Kids Club engages in a weekly chapel with worship, the Big God Story, and time for the children to connect with God and each other. Daily Bible devotions are also given in the afternoon after our snack time.
Kids Club offers transportation from the following CVUSD schools at no extra charge!
Bathgate Elementary, Carl Hankey Elementary, Castille Elementary, Philip J. Reilly Elementary, and Viejo Elementary
Kids Club now services these SVUSD schools!
De Portola Elementary and Melinda Heights Elementary
Before School Care is available for the following schools:
Carl Hankey, Melinda Heights, Philip J. Reilly, and Viejo Elementary
Before School Availability
Carl Hankey Elementary: 4 spots open
Philip J Reilly Elementary: 3 spots open
Viejo Elementary: 4 spots open
Melinda Heights Elementary: 3 spots available
After School Availability
Bathgate Elementary: 1 Spot Open
Carl Hankey Elementary: 1 Spot Open
Castille Elementary: 4 Spots Open
Philip J Reilly Elementary: Van is full, on waitlist
Viejo Elementary: Van is full, on waitlist
De Portola Elementary: 5 spots available
Melinda Heights Elementary: Van is full, on waitlist
Updated: 12/31/24
2024/2025 School Year Registration
Registration Information
Registration fee: $60 per child non-refundable
The information below represents the available enrollment plans for Mission Viejo Christian Kids Club School Year Program. Tuition is established prior to admission according to the child’s schedule. Tuition guarantees a child’s place at Kids Club; therefore, tuition credit or makeup days are not given.
Tuition is calculated based on school days and non-school days. Tuition can be prorated if a child starts the program mid-month. Sibling discounts are applied to the oldest child participating in the program.
Tuition is billed through installment payments which are withdrawn on the
1st and 15th of the month. The first installment is due
August 15th, and the last installment on June 1st.
Installment payments must be paid through a pre-authorized credit/debit draft. Registration charges are applied once your child is enrolled. Installment payments are non-refundable.
2024/2025 Monthly Tuition Fees
First Child Sibling
5 Days Before and After School $610.00 $560.00 per month
5 Days After School $525.00 $480.00 per month
3 Days After School $465.00 $425.00 per month
Holiday Care/Non-school Days Daycare $65.00 $65.00 per day
Please note! Should you desire to terminate the program before the last day of school, a two-week notice is required.
Kids Club currently accepts tuition assistance provided by the Orange County Department of Education and Children's Home Society.
The program tax identification number is 95-2671710
2024/2025 School Year Calendar
Kids Club is OPEN on the following dates:
8/14/24-8/19/24 - CAPO Non-School Days
10/3/24 - SVUSD Fall Recess
11/1/24 - CAPO + SVUSD Pupil-free day
11/25/24 - 11/27/24 - Thanksgiving Break
12/20/24 - CAPO Pupil-free day
12/30/24 - 12/31/24 - Winter Recess
1/2/25 - 1/3/25 - Winter Recess continued
1/20/25 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
1/27/25 - SVUSD Staff Development Day
2/14/25 - CAPO Lincoln Day
2/18/25 - SVUSD Washington Day
2/19/25 - 2/21/25 - SVUSD February Recess
4/7/24 - 4/11/25 - CAPO Spring Break
4/14/25 - 4/18/25 - SVUSD Spring Break
Kids Club is CLOSED on the following dates:
8/12/24 - 8/13/24 - School Year Prep
9/2/24 - Labor Day
11/11/24 - Veterans Day
11/28/24 & 11/29/24 - Thanksgiving Holidays
12/23/24 - 12/27/24 - Christmas Break
1/1/25 - New Year's Day
2/17/25 - Washington Day
5/26/25 - Memorial Day
6/6/25 - Kids Club Summer Staff Development